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Tween Animation

Tween Animation Services

Industries We Cover for Tween Animation

  • ● HR & Training
  • ● Pharma
  • ● Insurance
  • ● Science & Technology
  • ● Software
  • ● Healthcare
  • ● Education
  • ● e-Learning
  • ● Public Sector
  • ● Data & Networks
  • ● Retail & Media
  • ● Financial Services

Types of Tween Animation Services

  • ● Classic Tween
  • ● Motion Tween
  • ● Shape Tween animation

Tween Animation Process Flow

Process Flow


Stage 1

Brainstorm animation concept


Stage 2

Define the animated objects and their tweenable properties


Stage 3

Create motion tweens


Stage 4

Add tweens to timelines


Stage 5

Edit the motion path of a tweened animation


Stage 6

Work with property keyframes


Stage 7

Add tweens to timelinesEdit the motion path of a tweened animation


Stage 8

Save motion presets for future use

Why Choose Lotus Animation?

  • ● Team of tween animators working round the clock
  • ● 95% retention rate on global customers for our tween services
  • ● Creating seamless motion and transition tweens
  • ● Stunning product videos and ads at cost-effective pice
  • ● Create motion graphics faster with our tween animation